I decided to make a run up to the UW Arboretum in Madison Wisconsin. My target bird was the Townsend’s Solitaire. It was present shortly after I arrived, but only gave brief views before disappearing. A couple hours later it was back and doing some feeding in conifers and once feeding on the ground. I was told the Townsend’s Solitaire was first seen there back on December 12, 2017. Wow, with all the food there I can see why it has not moved on. Usually there are a couple of Townsend’s Solitaires found at Devil’s Lake State Park every year. I think it has been awhile since one has been reported here. Another bird to note for the day but was not present, was a Northern Saw-whet Owl that was seen yesterday. Numerous birders showed up for that prize bird while I was there but it could not be found in the time I was there. It was a nice day out birding with some sun, mild temps and low winds. It was nice too to see some birders I have not seen for some time and exchange some birding notes with them. Images were taken on January 31, 2018
Townsend’s Solitaire
Binomial name: Myadestes townsendi
Category: Thrushes
Size: 8.5” long, 14.5” wingspan
Weight: 1.2 Oz.
It was great to finally meet you Jim! I always enjoy looking at your superb photos. I’m glad you were able to see and photograph the Townsend’s Solitaire. Too bad we couldn’t find the Northern Saw-whet Owl.
Great photos Jim! You always capture the lives of each bird you photograph so precisely.
Thanks for the great pictures. We have plans to visit the Arboretum tomorrow and hope to see this beauty, since we have never seen one.
Thanks again.
Beautiful photos of the solitaire, Jim!
Great photos! It’s always interesting to see the birds that you are photographing.