Red Fox kits in Milwaukee County Wisconsin July 9, 2015

I had an opportunity to photograph 3 Red Fox kits in Milwaukee County, that are growing up fast. They were not out of the den long but enough to capture a few cute moments. Bruce joined me for a couple shots of the kits, it was a fun shoot while it lasted. Images were taken on July 9, 2015.

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Red Fox

Scientific name: Vulpes vulpes

Type: Mammal

Habitat: Forests, grasslands, mountains, savanna, agricultural lands and deserts. Red Foxes can also adapt to farms, suburban areas and sometimes cities.

Average life span in the wild: 2 to 4 years

Size: Head and body, 18-33.75 inches

Weight: 6.5 to 24 lbs

Diet: Fruit, vegetables, fish, frogs, rabbits, birds and rodents in the wild. If living in a human environment they may include in the diet garbage and pet food.

Range: Northern hemisphere from the arctic circle to Central American. They can also be found in Northern Africa and central Asia.





















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About admin

Window to Wildlife features the photography of Jim Edlhuber. A lifelong native of Wisconsin, Jim has been photographing wildlife for 20 years. He considers himself an avid photographer and is always trying to capture nature and wildlife through his lens. He is in several photography clubs and has won numerous awards for his work. In recent years, Jim has focused mostly on birding photography and finds it to be the most challenging.

3 Responses to Red Fox kits in Milwaukee County Wisconsin July 9, 2015

  1. bonnie delap says:
  2. nancy nabak says:

    Jim, these are entirely too darling! Just love them!

  3. Laura Wentz says:

    What a bunch of sweeties.

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