Lapland Longspur at Lakeshore State Park in Milwaukee Wisconsin on October 15, 2015

I birded some of the lakefront in Milwaukee this morning and one of the highlights was this Lapland Longspur at Lakeshore State Park. This adult nonbreeding male feed on a path eating seeds that have fallen to the ground. Also present at the beach at Lakeshore State Park was a Black-bellied Plover along with 3 Killdeer hanging out with a group of gulls. It was a mostly cloudy day, on a couple occasions the sun shinned for a minute or two, temps were a little on the cool side with low winds. Images were taken on October 15, 2015.


Lapland Longspur, adult nonbreeding male

Lapland Longspur

Binomial name: Calcarius lapponicus

Category: Lapwings and Plovers

Size: 6.25” long, 11.5” wing span

Weight: 0.95 oz

Cool facts: This common bird breeds in the Arctic tundra, and winters in open fields across most of the United States and southern Canada.



Finding and eating seeds off a path

Finding and eating seeds off a path

Finding and eating seeds off a path

Finding and eating seeds off a path


Finding and eating seeds off a path

Finding and eating seeds off a path

Finding and eating seeds off a path




With seed

With seed

With seed

With seed





Back view

Back view



Black-bellied Plover, juv.

Black-bellied Plover, juv.

Black-bellied Plover, juv.

Black-bellied Plover, juv.

Black-bellied Plover, juv.

Black-bellied Plover, juv.

Black-bellied Plover, juv.

Black-bellied Plover, juv.

With food in bill

With food in bill






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About admin

Window to Wildlife features the photography of Jim Edlhuber. A lifelong native of Wisconsin, Jim has been photographing wildlife for 20 years. He considers himself an avid photographer and is always trying to capture nature and wildlife through his lens. He is in several photography clubs and has won numerous awards for his work. In recent years, Jim has focused mostly on birding photography and finds it to be the most challenging.

9 Responses to Lapland Longspur at Lakeshore State Park in Milwaukee Wisconsin on October 15, 2015

  1. Nan Wisherd says:

    What a beautiful bird. Thanks, Jim!

  2. Susan Kritzik says:

    Stunning bird and great photos. Thank you!

  3. Elaine Swanson says:

    Jim – the Longspur looks more like a painting than photo – so many beautiful shades of brown. The white rocks suggest his Arctic breeding grounds. In contrast is the little Plover with his large eyes and knobby knees – looking comically vulnerable. I would love to walk on that pebbly beach of colored leaves with that little bird beside me.

  4. Kathi Johnson Rock says:

    Very beautiful photos Jim. Thank you!!

  5. Gerald Haiar says:

    Excellent shots of a bird that rarely provides good views. Thanks!

  6. Gerald Haiar says:

    Excellent shots of a bird that rarely provides good views. Thanks !

  7. Sheila says:

    Love seeing what you catch with your camera! Keep on.

  8. Sara Sonntag says:

    Great finds and beautiful images Jim! Loved seeing them…thanks! Have a wonderful weekend!

  9. Ed Means says:

    Great photos – Thanks

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