My first birding stop this morning was Lakeshore State Park. I having been hitting it regularly the last few weeks waiting for the American Avocets. This morning was the day as 14 were present when I arrived, btw, my favorite bird! A few minutes later 24 Willets showed up and a while later another ~35 showed up. It was exciting to see this species again. Last year May 5, was the day they showed up at this park. Very skittish they were as when a person walking by the beach area at the park, the American Avocets flushed and landed in the lagoon in a very tight group. It seemed that after about 15-20 minutes they worked their way back to the beach area and hung out with the Willets, sometimes by themselves too. A Marbled Godwit was found in the group of Willets on the beach by Jennifer A later on. The bird may have just joined the group on one of the flushes. All the birds were flushed many times while I was there but by pedestrians not knowing what was going on, it was all innocent. Weather was not great as there was a mist coming down for at least the first hour I was there. On and off it was very cold out there on the island park. Stunning birds regardless! It was a fun time with friend birders and photographers that showed while I was there. Images were taken on May 1, 2019.
American Avocets, Willets and a Marbled Godwit at Lakeshore State Park in Milwaukee Wisconsin on May 1, 2019
Tagged american avocet. Bookmark the permalink.
Awesome pictures, Jim!!! I hope the Advocets are still there tomorrow as I plan to sneak away at lunch. I was bummed out today because I was too busy at work to break away. So for now, I’m just going to enjoy your pictures and hope for the best tomorrow.
We’re still waiting for the great shorebird migration up here, so it’s great knowing they’re on the way. Super photos, Jim!
“American Avocets in flight coming in” is an amazing photo Jim. I can see why they are your favorite bird with that beautiful plumage and striking wing pattern. Willets seem like a very plain bird until they show their wings, so I am glad you also captured them in flight. And, you also saw a Marbled Godwit which must have come in after I left. I may have just missed you because I thought I saw your vehicle parked near the entrance when I walked out. I can’t say it enough, thanks for sharing these great images.
Beautiful reminders of how spectacular these birds are in flight. Thanks Jim.
Gorgeous as usual Jim. Thank you!!!
Beautiful photos, Jim. They really capture the excitement of the moment and the elegance of the birds.
Awesome birds and awesomer photos.