A stop at McKinley Beach in Milwaukee along the lakefront provided views of 2 American Pipits. Thinking these are 1st winter birds…They fed along the beach clutter along the shore finding things to eat. Ring-billed Gulls were in the same area and slightly harassed the pipits on occasion flushing them. Nice to see something different for a change. Images were taken on November 1, 2019.

American Pipit
American Pipit
Binomial name: Anthus rubescens
Category: Sandpipers, Phalaropes, and Allies
Size: 6.5” long, 10.5” wing span
Weight: .74 Oz.
Note: Pipits are found on all continents, except Antarctica

Finding things to each with a Ring-billed Gull nearby…

Looking for something to eat…

The two American Pipits perched on a log just looking around…

Something in the bill to eat…

Just looking pretty!
Great photos. The one on the log says it all! Thank you
thanks for sharing the nice photos, Jim!