I made a run up to Sheboygan on Lake Michigan to see what birds are hanging out. North Point had a few American White Pelicans on the rock, all that remains of the once large rock point. A few pelicans also loafed on some of the jetties at North Point there along with gulls. Some gulls were present but nothing odd that I could come up with other than Bonaparte’s Gulls. Probably 1,000 gulls were present out on the South Pier Boardwalk way out, but with just the bins, nothing seemed interesting. The Deland Park pier surprisingly had 3 Ruddy Turnstones and 10 Sanderlings feeding off the pier and rocks present. For the most part the pelicans were just hanging out, I did not see much feeding or interaction going on with them. It was a gorgeous day out, full sun and a nice breeze. Images were taken on May 31, 2019.
American White Pelicans, Ruddy Turnstones and more at Sheboygan Wisconsin on May 31, 2019
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