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Window to Wildlife features the photography of Jim Edlhuber. A lifelong native of Wisconsin, Jim has been photographing wildlife for 20 years. He considers himself an avid photographer and is always trying to capture nature and wildlife through his lens. He is in several photography clubs and has won numerous awards for his work. In recent years, Jim has focused mostly on birding photography and finds it to be the most challenging.

Northern Saw-whet Owl in Southeastern Wisconsin on February 18, 2025

It has been very cold with temp highs of 6 degrees. I have been mostly birding from the car and in general birding has been slow out there. Most rivers, ponds and lakes are froze over and winter finches are limited. Roadside birds have been Horned Larks, Red-tailed Hawks and American Tree Sparrows. At home about 25 American Tree Sparrows, 15 Dark-eyed Juncos and some Mourning Doves have been at the bird feeders steady. I decided to check on a Northern Saw-whet Owl I found back in December of last year. It was present, in the same tree too as it was back then, amazing. I took a photo and left the area. It was cold, there was a little sun, and also a good breeze at times. Image was taken on February 18, 2025.

The Northern Saw-whet Owl…

Horned Larks in Waukesha County Wisconsin on February 14, 2025

Driving some of the back roads in Waukesha County this morning I came across a flock of Horned Larks. A common place to find them, but not always, on Kincaid Ln, Dousman, the road going into Paradise Valley WA. There were about 15 of them and they were eating grass or weed seeds along the shoulder of the road that was plowed. This is a common event with these birds in the winter months but not always easy to locate. The first ones I have come across this winter. It was a cloudy day and with some wind, temps were 20 degrees. Images were taken on February 14, 2025.

The Horned Lark…

With a grass or weed seed in the bill…

Here digging and finding grass or weed seeds in the snow along the road…

With a grass or weed seed…

On the run…

With a grass or weed seed just dug out of the snow…

Eastern Screech Owl, gray morph in Milwaukee County Wisconsin on February 11, 2025

This Eastern Screech Owl, gray morph was a fun one to find today. I’m still in search for more Northern Saw-whet Owls this winter which is what lead me to find this owl today. As I’m walking around some large pines with no branches on the lower  6 feet of the tree I hear Black-capped Chickadees making a heck of a ruckus above. I look up into the tree I’m under and see nothing but a couple of Chickadees moving around. I moved on to a couple more of the large pines and saw nothing. Then I thought, I better double check that tree where all the action was. Looking up again into the tree, I see a Gray Squirrel running around. That’s sorta odd? Walking away from the tree I look back about 25 feet, a screech owl is watching me, enjoying some sun. It was a cold morning with temps at 20 degrees mid-morning, some wind at times but full sun that did bring in some warmth out of the wind. Image was taken on February 11, 2025.

Eastern Screech Owl, gray morph…

Cell phone pic – just enjoying the sun…

The owl is so tiny on this photo, but it is there, cell phone pic…

Eastern Screech Owl in Milwaukee County Wisconsin on January 26, 2025

I stopped at a few birding spots this morning and one of them provided nice looks at a Eastern Screech Owl. It was nestled in a very old crab apple tree in a natural cavity. It was out enough to catch some very nice sun. It was a cold morning with temps of 16 degrees, sunny skies and a good wind at times. Image was taken on January 26, 2025

Can you find the Eastern Screech Owl?

Eastern Screech Owl in Milwaukee County Wisconsin on January 24, 2025

One of my birding stops today gave great views of a Eastern Screech Owl. It was perched in a spruce tree along a road. It was enjoying the morning sun on a cold day with temps around 18 degrees, some wind at times but sunny skies that were warm at times. Image was taken on January 24, 2025.

The Eastern Screech Owl perched in the pine…

Northern Saw-whet Owl in Southeastern Wisconsin January 20, 2025

I stopped at a few birding spots this morning that would be either short walks or birding from the car as it was so cold. An American Bald Eagle gave distant views along the Fox River downtown Waukesha. I also thought I would check on a Northern Saw-whet Owl that I found about a month ago, it was present at the same location tucked away in a tree. It was a very cold day with temps around 3 degrees, some wind gusts, with mostly sunny skies. Images were taken on January 20, 2025.

The Northern Saw-whet Owl…

Distant shot of the American Bald Eagle on the Fox River in downtown Waukesha…

Long-eared Owls in the snow in Wisconsin on January 10, 2025

The idea was to find some Long-eared owls in the snow and that happened. We had a light dusting of snow over night so conditions seemed right and it was. There were 4 that perched still for a couple of photos. They are beautiful birds! Snow was light with temps around 27 degrees and light winds. Images were taken on January 10, 2025.

The Long-eared Owl with a dusting of snow…

Eastern Screech Owl in Milwaukee County Wisconsin on January 9, 2025

One of my birding stops today produced nice looks of a Eastern Screech Owl in a natural nest cavity in Milwaukee County. It is that time of the year where owls are seen sitting in the hole of a natural cavity enjoying some sun on a cold day. It was a pleasant day with temps around 27 degrees, full sun, a calm breeze. Image was taken on January 9, 2025.


Albino Squirrel in Waukesha County Wisconsin on January 8, 2025


Albino squirrels are not common at all so I took advantage of getting some images of this one I found in Waukesha County today. The cute albino squirrel hung out in the tree for a few minutes and then it seemed like it was going to sleep so I left. It was a cold day with temps around 20 degrees, a few minutes of sun on and off with some winds. Images were taken on January 8, 2025.

The albino squirrel sitting up in the tree…

Climbing around some when I was there…

On it’s way down the tree…

Northern Saw-whet Owls in Southern Wisconsin on January 6, 2025

With birding a little slow yet I decided to try for the elusive Northern Saw-whet Owl again today. I had a few places in mind that I felt had some potential. I left early for this trip and got to my cold destination. It has been a crazy year finding these cute tiny owls about 8″ tall, and have already found 3 this season. Could I find more? It would be as exciting as the 1st and it was. I spent about an hour and then came around a corner of a tree and there one was, just looking at me. This owl gave great looks for about 30 seconds but then looked a head and then seemed to close it’s eyes. I was lucky I got a shot with in seconds when I first saw it. With plenty of time in the day, there were a lot more trees and places to check out at this location. Coming around a corner, for some reason I looked up, there was the 2nd of the day. This one was really tucked in, I can’t believe why I looked up, it could have been missed so easily. I could not even get a shot with my camera so I had to use my cell phone. Where these owls go, the places are very tight most of the time to get a shot with a telephoto lens. I have to be so quiet and move slow, take a shot and then leave, probably never to return. This is the 5th one I have found since November 15th 2024. People always say, I have been looking with no luck, just keep on looking I say, they are out there. Most of these 5 owls have been close to paths and roads. It was a cold day with temps around 22 degrees with gusts of wind at times, cloudy skies, a few flurries did come down at times. Images were taken on January 6, 2025.

Northern Saw-whet Owl #1 for the day…

Northern Saw-whet Owl #2 for the day…

The pair today…

Wisconsin birding, the year in review 2024. Includes vagrants, special visitors or just the beautiful birds that either nest here or migrate through the state of Wisconsin.

I have put together a collection of some of the Wisconsin birding moments from the year 2024. The collection includes vagrants, special visitors, or just the beautiful birds that nest here or migrate through the state of Wisconsin. All images were taken in 2024. It was a very exciting year with the birds and also birding with some old birding friends and meeting some new ones, too. Finishing up this year with adding 5 more birds to my Wisconsin life list now standing at 382. New for 2024, Swainson’s Hawk, Crested Caracara, Varied Bunting, Fieldfare and the White Wagtail. Thanks to everyone who helped make this happen. When putting this post together, once again, it amazes me what birds were seen this year here in Wisconsin!

Sandhill Cranes in Delafield in Waukesha Co 1-11-2024

Long-eared Owl in Milwaukee Co 1-20-2024

Barred Owl in Milwaukee Co 1-22-2024

Eastern Screech Owl brown morph in Milwaukee Co 1-31-2024

Eastern Screech Owl brown morph in Milwaukee Co 2-1-2024

Eastern Screech Owl red morph in Milwaukee Co 2-9-2024

Northern Saw-whet Owl #1 in Southeastern Wisconsin 2-11-2024

Northern Saw-whet Owl #2 in Southeastern Wisconsin 2-11-2024

Glaucous-winged Gull at the Prairie du Sac Dam in Sauk Co 2-18-2024, WI life bird in 2024

Fieldfare at Prentice Park in Ashland Co 2-21-2024, WI life bird in 2024

Sandhill Crane under the bird feeder in the front yard in Waukesha Co 9-17-2024

Eastern Bluebird, male in Milwaukee Co 3-1-2024

Eastern Bluebird, female in Milwaukee Co 3-1-2024

Hooded Merganser, female at the Fox River in Waukesha Co 3-10-2024

Wood Duck, male in Milwaukee Co 3-28-2024

Wood Duck, female in Milwaukee Co 3-28-2024

Common Merganser, female at the Fox River in Waukesha Co 3-28-2024

Common Merganser, male at the Fox River in Waukesha Co 3-28-2024

White-crowned Sparrow Marquette Co 4-9-2024

Pine Warbler, male at Lake Park in Milwaukee Co 4-10-2024

Killdeer on the nest in Milwaukee Co 4-10-2024

Killdeer in Milwaukee Co 4-10-2024

American Robin, leucistic at Lake Park Milwaukee Co 4-10-2024

Great Horned Owl owlets in Milwaukee Co 4-10-2024

Red-winged Blackbird at Greenfield Park in Milwaukee Co 4-16-2024

Brown Creeper at Lake Park in Milwaukee Co 4-15-2024

White-faced Ibis in New Berlin in Waukesha Co 4-17-2024

Greater White-fronted Goose at Jackson Park in Milwaukee Co 4-19-2024

American Avocets at Bradford Beach in Milwaukee Co 4-24-2024

American Avocets at Bradford Beach in Milwaukee Co 4-24-2024

American Avocets at Bradford Beach in Milwaukee Co 4-24-2024

Eastern Screech Owl, red morph in Milwaukee Co 4-24-2024

Great Horned Owl owlet in Milwaukee Co 4-25-2024

Great Horned Owl owlet in Milwaukee Co 4-25-2024

Great Horned Owl off in a distance watching owlets in Milwaukee Co 4-25-2024

Canada Goose gosling at Lakeshore State Park in Milwaukee Co 4-28-2024

Swainson’s Hawk in Oak Creek in Milwaukee Co 4-29-2024 WI life bird in 2024

Ovenbird at Lake Park in Milwaukee Co 5-1-2024

Harris’s Sparrow at Warnimont Park in Milwaukee Co 5-8-2024

Rose-breasted Grosbeak, female in Marquette Co 5-11-2024

Red-headed Woodpecker in Marquette Co 5-11-2024

Rose-breasted Grosbeak, male in Marquette Co 5-11-2024

White-breasted Nuthatch in Marquette Co 5-11-2024

Baltimore Oriole male in Marquette Co 5-11-2024

Eastern Bluebird in Marquette Co 5-20-2024

Eastern Kingbird at Greenfield Park in Milwaukee Co 5-22-2024

Laughing Gull, 1st year at South Shore Park in Milwaukee Co  5-24-2024

Crested Caracara at Marengo in Ashland Co 5-29-2024 WI life bird in 2024

Crested Caracara at Marengo in Ashland Co 5-29-2024 WI life bird in 2024

Killdeer chick stretching in Milwaukee Co 6-3-2024

Killdeer on the nest in Milwaukee Co 6-3-2024

Pileated Woodpecker chicks in Waukesha Co 6-11-2024

Pileated Woodpecker adult feeding a young female in Waukesha Co 6-11-2024

Pileated Woodpecker chick male waiting for an adult for food in Waukesha Co 6-11-2024

Great Blue Heron at Grant Park in Milwaukee Co 7-11-2024

Sanderling at McKinley Beach in Milwaukee Co 8-29-2024

Buff-breasted Sandpiper at Lakeshore State Park Milwaukee Co 9-1-2024

Black-belled Plover at Lakeshore State Park Milwaukee Co 9-1-2024

Sanderling at McKinley Beach in Milwaukee Co 9-1-2024

Great Blue Heron with a feather at Greenfield Park in Milwaukee Co 9-7-2024

Sandhill Crane in the front yard in Waukesha Co 9-17-2024

Yellow-rumped Warbler at Minooka Park in Waukesha Co 10-12-2024

Wood Duck, male in Milwaukee Co 10-17-2024

Wood Duck, male in Milwaukee Co 10-17-2024

Wood Duck, juvenile male in Milwaukee Co 10-17-2024

Wood Duck, female in Milwaukee Co 10-17-2024

Harris’s Sparrow at Lakeshore State Park in Milwaukee Co 10-21-2024

White-throated Sparrow Lakeshore State Park in Milwaukee Co 10-25-2024

Red-tailed Hawk in Milwaukee Co 11-4-2024

Western Cattle Egret at Big Bend in Waukesha Co 10-30-2024

Western Cattle Egret looking for flies at Big Bend in Waukesha Co 10-30-2024

Northern Saw-whet Owl #1 in Southeastern WI 11-15-2024

Northern Saw-whet Owl #1 in Southeastern WI 11-15-2024

Great Blue Heron at Greenfield Park Milwaukee Co 11-22-2024

Snowy Owl at Lakeshore State Park Milwaukee Co 11-23-2024

Northern Saw-whet Owl #1, follow up in Southeastern WI 12-7-2024

Sage Thrasher in Sturgeon Bay in Door Co 12-1-2024 WI life bird in 2024

Eastern Screech Owl, red morph in Milwaukee Co 12-7-2024

Sandhill Cranes on the Bark River in Delafield in Waukesha Co 12-7-2024

Sandhill Crane on the Bark River in Delafield in Waukesha Co 12-7-2024

Great Blue Heron on the Bark River in Delafield in Waukesha Co 12-7-2024

Long-eared Owl in Wisconsin on 12-14-2024

Northern Saw-whet Owl #2 in Southeastern WI 12-17-2024

Northern Saw-whet Owl #3 in Southeastern WI 12-19-2024

Quill Lake Goose at the Fox River in Waukesha Co 12-27-2024

Quill Lake Goose at the Fox River in Waukesha Co 12-28-2024

White Wagtail at Sturgeon Bay in Door County 12-29-2024 WI life bird in 2024

White Wagtail at Sturgeon Bay in Door County 12-29-2024 WI life bird in 2024

Hooded Merganser, male stretching at the Fox River in Waukesha Co 12-30-2024

Hooded Merganser, male at the Fox River in Waukesha Co 12-30-2024

Hooded Merganser at the Fox River in Waukesha Wisconsin on December 30, 2024

A stop at the Fox River this morning had a good looking Hooded Merganser, this male put on a great show. There was a female in the area but did not come around for the photo shoot. This river will freeze up in a few days with the very cold weather coming so it may not be around long. It was a nice December morning with some sun, mild temps around 36 degree and light winds. Images were taken on December 30, 2024.

Hooded Merganser, male stretching…

Just cruising…

Going to stretch…




White Wagtail at Portage Park in Sturgeon Bay in Door County Wisconsin on December 29, 2024

Mega Rarity! Door County has produced another unbelievable bird, a White Wagtail! A bird that’s normal range is Asia, Europe and some of Africa. There have been a few other sightings in the US but spread out over very many years. 1st state record for Wisconsin! The bird was seen yesterday but I felt with time running out in the day with light I decided to make the run this morning. Leaving the house at 3:30 am I arrived in darkness, but I don’t want to be late. I was the first out to the area where the bird was seen yesterday. Just as it was getting light after 15 minutes I spotted the bird bopping around finding things to eat I assume. I called a couple other birders that had arrived and 3 three of us watched it in and out of the rocky ground. Birders arrived as many as at least 20 had great views of the bird for about an 1 1/2 hours before it came down the beach area shoreline where I was as I was headed out. For me Wisconsin life bird #382. A very big thank you goes out to Candy and Rush Evans, super great birders in Sturgeon Bay as they found this awesome bird at the park and got the word out for others to see it. It was a cloudy day with some light fog, mild temps around 36 degrees and light winds that picked up at times. Images are so-so with the cloudy day conditions and the distance of the bird from all of us. Images were taken on December 29, 2024.

The White Wagtail at the beach area…

Typical to see the White Wagtail on rocks with the tail bobbing…

Nice back view…

It did get a few things to eat as it moved down the beach shoreline…

Quill Lake Goose on the Fox River in Waukesha Wisconsin on December 27, 2024

I typically stop at the Fox River in Waukesha for a birding stop in winter months and this morning there were a very large number of Canada Geese. The most I have seen this winter 500-600, they were the length of the river in town, bridge to bridge. I took my bins an started going through them and one caught my eye. The head coloring was different so I got out of the car for some quick photos as birds can leave in seconds. This  turns out to be a Quill Lake Goose. It remained there, I watched it for about 5 minutes and then left. It was a cloudy day with a few rain drops coming down, but mild temps around 44 degrees. Images were taken on December 27, 2024.

The Quill Lake Goose stretching…

The Quill Lake Goose stretching…

The Quill Lake Goose with a Canada Goose…

Hooded Merganser on the Fox River in Waukesha Wisconsin on December 22, 2024

One of my birding stops today was at the Fox River in Waukesha near Frame Park. A Hooded Merganser that is a young male was present. It put on a nice show hanging out with Mallard ducks, it seemed to fit right in with them. It was a mostly cloudy day, cold temps around 28 degrees with a slight wind blowing. Images were taken on December 22, 2024.

The Hooded Merganser, young male stretching…

Northern Saw-whet Owl in Southeastern Wisconsin on December 19, 2024

With snow in the forecast I got out early this morning to check out a new location for the Northern Saw-whet Owl. At this location, the very last tree I was going to check out, here is a Northern Saw-whet Owl just looking at me. I’m like are you kidding me? I quickly backed up, looked the situation over not wanting to disturb this owl. This bird was very much in the open from the side of the tree I was on. I took a couple of photos and left the area. I think I’m beyond lucky finding these owls this year as this is #3 in just 35 days. They are so cute and it is so much fun finding these tiny owls! It was snowing when I left this location with some breeze and temps around 28 degrees. Image was taken on December 19, 2024.

The Northern Saw-whet owl with light snow…

Northern Saw-whet Owl in Southeastern Wisconsin December 17, 2024

In my continued search of the Northern Saw-whet Owl I came across another one today. I’ve looked hard for the last 6-7 weeks. It was a new location in SE Wisconsin. This Northern Saw-whet Owl was really tucked away in this tree, I almost missed it. To look up and see this tiny owl with a cat like face looking at you is so exciting. When I got the surprise of seeing it looking at me, like always, I take a deep breath and then back up away from the bird just to get a grip of the setting and not wanting to disturb it too. I looked around to find an opening in the branches and took the shot. When I was walking away it appeared to have its eyes mostly closed. I tell anyone who wants to see one, keep looking, don’t give up, they are around us. Most of them I have found seem to be about 7′-8′ high in the tree. It was mostly cloudy with temperatures around 30 degrees, with some wind. Image was taken on December 17, 2024

The Northern Saw-whet Owl tucked away in the tree…

Sandhill Cranes in Delafield Wisconsin on December 7, 2024

One of my birding stops today was to see if Sandhill Cranes were present at the Bark River in Delafield. There were a pair of them in the middle of the river looking for a couple of things to eat, preening and just standing around. A Great Blue Heron was also present in the background. The heron did not move at all when I was there, thinking it was just conserving energy. It was cloudy skies, a little wind and temps around 45 degrees. Images were taken on December 7, 2024.

The pair of Sandhill Cranes in the Bark River…

Some preening…

More preening…

More preening…

Moving around some…

Looking for things to eat…

The Great Blue Heron in the background…