A stop at Greenfield Park in Milwaukee this morning provided nice views of an adult Black-crowned Night-Heron. One has been seen on and off for the last couple of weeks, mostly off. This is the first time I have seen it in plan view. I saw it yesterday perched high in a tree pretty much out of sight, but viewable with bins. It was a nice surprise for a change. There were also plenty of Green and Great Blue Herons also present at the pond. It was a gorgeous morning, very little wind, full sun with a pleasant temperature of 65-70 degrees.

First view of the adult Black-crowned Night-Heron…

The reflection shot…

Looking and waiting for something to eat, showing off its classic plume…

It makes its way towards the island under some cover and snatches something to eat…

The gulp, swallowing whatever it found to eat…

Looks around on where to go next close to the island…

Comes back out in the open…

Perches pretty…

Looks around…

Something catches its attention…

….but then looks around some more and then heads onto the island pretty much out of sight…

Shaken’ off and all fluffed up…
Hey! Are there more photos of the juvenile? For some reason I only see the adult, which is AMAZEBALLS!