One of my birding stops this morning was Lake Park in Milwaukee. I had went there with warblers on my mind but the excitement was the Chimney Swifts high above the tree tops at the park. 100’s of them present eating gazillions of gnat’s I would assume. I have seen swifts many times, usually at Lake Park, today I took a few minutes to photograph some of the action. Warblers species to note that were present Palm, Cape May, American Redstart, mainly Yellow-rumped Warblers. It was a beautiful morning out with plenty of sun, pleasant temps, a light breeze. Images were taken on September 24, 2018.

Chimney Swift

Can you see the Gnats??……………just speckles….Gnats, Gnats, and more Gnats…

Look hard….speckles, Gnats, Gnats, and more Gnats…