Doing some birding along the lakefront in Milwaukee this morning, the highlight was the Common Redpolls at Grant Park. I stopped by this morning where the feeder was present last year, and that is where Common Redpolls were. The Common Redpolls in numbers of 2-4 showed up for short periods in that area on and off why I was there. It appeared some bird seed was present on the ground from who ever there and that was the attractant for the Common Redpolls. Off the feeder, I have enjoyed watch this species eating cone seeds of the Alder Trees in the state. Other species present at Grant Park, Blue Jays, Black-capped Chickadees, both White and Red-breasted Nuthatches, Red-bellied Woodpeckers and very many Mourning Doves. It was a bright sunny day with low winds, temperature was about -1 F at the feeder. Images were taken on January 6, 2018.

Common Redpoll
Common Redpoll
Binomial name: Carduelis flammea
Category: Redpolls
Size: 5.25” long, 9” wing span
Weight: .46 oz

Common Redpoll

A pair…

Common Redpoll just off a ways…

Common Redpoll

Common Redpoll

Common Redpoll on the ground looking for seeds…

Red-breasted Nuthatch
Those cute little redpolls are a nice way to begin 2018. We have had pine grosbeaks here for almost weeks. That hasn’t happened in many years.
I really like the picture of the Redpoll on the branch. Really great shot!