With birding being some what slow, I decided it was time to try for the Great Tit. A bird I have always wanted to see and get on my life list even though it is not a countable bird at this time. I went for it thinking it will be added to the list sooner than later. It happened today after almost a 4 hour wait. There are several locations to try to see the Great Tit , but I also wanted to get a picture of it too. I made the run to Kohler-Andrae State Park first. I stood at the feeders by the ranger station for the first hour plus and it was Pine Siskins, both Nuthatches, American Tree Sparrows and the common feeder birds present. They had recently reported the Great Tit there so I thought I had a good chance. I felt it was time to go to my next location which was Indian Mound Park in Sheboygan. I walked the park almost from end to end very quietly looking for any movement of birds. It was just Black-capped Chickadee’s, both nuthatches and a small flock of American Robins came in to bath as there was some open water in the low areas. I think I was there over an hour. I went back to KASP again also driving the park, and spending some time at the feeder, nothing new. I went back to Indian Mound Park for the last time and spent another hour there. Just about ready to leave for the day and I spot what I thought was the Great Tit ~150 feet high in a tree. I put my bins on it and it flew and landed on a tree a few feet away from me. I was on a walking path at the time, I think it was checking me out. I could not get a shot as it was right above me so I slowly walked away. Looking back I was about 20 feet away, I took a couple shots and off it went. I hung around another 15-20 minutes hoping it would return but it did not. Harrington Beach is suppose to be a good place to see this bird too. So a life bird but not countable, like the European Goldfinch. The day started out at 7 degrees but warmed up fast with the full sun. No wind, it was quiet as a mouse everywhere I went. Images were taken on March 8, 2019.

Great Tit, looks like it just took a drink of water…
Great Tit
Binomial name: Passer montanus
Size: 5.5” long, 9”-10″ wing span
Weight: .57 oz
Note: The Great Tit is pretty common in Europe, but so far Wisconsin is the only state in the US where nesting populations have been found of this pet shop escapee.

Great Tit
Nice images Jim. Beautiful bird. We admire your persistence.
Wow Jim beautiful bird and nice photo too:)
That is just fantastic….great read too!!
Gorgeous photos, Jim. Hopefully it will be a countable bird soon.
What does “countable” mean in the bird watcher world?
What a beautiful little bird…so much like the chickadee, but that yellow color on its breast is eye catching!!
I get as excited as many of you when I get a new bird on my life list, but I’m actually hoping this does not become a countable bird. If it does, it’s really an acknowledgment that we have another exotic competing with our native birds for food and habitat.
That is wonderful Jim! Beautiful photos. Next time you come up to Sheboygan let me know..your in my neck of the woods! Can’t wait for warblers! Have a great week Jim! Warmer weather…finally, but comes with rain…better than snow..right?
First of all, nice find and good photo’s.
Living in Germany during my service time, this bird was common. Along with several other Tits over there.
I sure would like to get it on my lower 48 list though. I have struck out numerous time going after it.
We just had this bird outside our house! I had no idea what it was but someone told me it may be this. This was the exact bird! We do live near Indian Mount Park!