Birding along the lakefront in Milwaukee this morning I came across the Greater White-fronted Goose that was reported yesterday in with a flock of Canada Geese. It would be nice to photograph this beautiful goose in the water but you have to take what you can get. It seemed very comfortable grazing with about 30 Canada Geese near the lagoon. It did a small amount of resting and preening while I watched. It was a clear sky this morning with temps around 30, the wind off the lake made it feel like January. Images were taken on February 27, 2017.
Greater White-fronted Goose
Binomial name: Anser albifrons
Category: Ducks, Geese, and Swans
Size: 28” long, 53” wing span
Weight: 4.8 lb
Range: We typically see more of these geese west of Lake Michigan as their migration route north is mainly more west of Wisconsin, Texas through the dakota’s to northern Canada and Alaska. Always a treat to see one on the lakefront in Milwaukee.

With a Canada Goose





Taking a break

Grazing with some Canada Geese

The foot
Excellent details in these photos, Jim. If the bird had been in the water you might not have been able to get those fantastic shots of the bill and legs.
Great shots Jim. I have not yet seen one of these in WI.
Love that you thought of getting close ups of its face and feet. We don’t often get a chance to see these so close and comfortable with us so it’s good to take advantage of those opportunities. Great shots as always.
Super photos, Jim! Please send a few to northern Wisconsin.