On a gloomy morning I decided to head into Milwaukee to check out some of the beaches. My first stop was Lakeshore State Park. Jym M must have had the same idea as we pulled in together. We enjoyed some nice views of 4 American Avocets and 10 Willets. I left and check some other beaches in the area with nothing happening. I headed back to Lakeshore State Park and 2 Marbled Godwits, a Black-bellied Plover had joined in and Willets were up to 20. These birds put on a great show! They moved around being flushed by walkers and joggers but stayed on the island. With the horrible weather of 41 degrees and light rain, some wind, a few birders along with myself enjoyed the great show these birds put on. Images were taken on April 30, 2017.

Marbled Godwit
Marbled Godwit
Binomial name: Limosa fedoa
Category: Sandpipers, Phalaropes, and Allies
Size: 18” long, 30” wing span
Weight: 13 oz

Marbled Godwit

Marbled Godwits

American Avocets, Willets and a Marbled Godwit

Willets incoming with a Marbled Godwit

Willets incoming with a Marbled Godwit

Marbled Godwits along with 3 Willets

Marbled Godwit with a Willet

Marbled Godwit with a Willet

2 Marbled Godwits, 4 American Avocets and 5 Willets…

3 Willets along with a Marbled Godwit

Black-bellied Plover

Marbled Godwit looking for food

Marbled Godwits along with 3 Willets

Marbled Godwit preening

A call…

Across the water they go…

Walk don’t run…

The Willets

Incoming Willet!

After a short flight…

It is just how we all come in…

American Avocets

With a worm…
Wow, you can really see how flexible the end of the godwit’s bill is in the call photo.
Awesome, Jim. Those wonderful pics really didn’t show how nasty it really was today. Thanks so much for sharing.
Thanks for “taking me” birding with you. Beautiful photos Jim!
Great, great set of photos. I got down there mid-afternoon (after the plover left) but got to see the other three species; it was wonderful, but not as spectacular as your photos!!!