After a tip from a friend about a Mississippi Kite here in Wisconsin, I decided to check it out. I arrived early and found this male bird perched in a dead tree in the area it might be found. I watched it for awhile as it repeatedly went for large flying insects and dragonflies or it perched. It preened a lot and when it was not preening it just remained perched looking for something to eat. Once I saw it fly and could see why it got the name “kite”. The bird was trying to get something on the side of a leafed out deciduous tree and it was flying like a kite would look, both top of the wings facing me, make like small radius’s in a figure-eight. Pretty cool to see! Obviously a life bird. Sorry, I can not share this location. The early morning started out cloudy but soon gave way to some sunshine. Images were taken on August 16, 2019.

The Mississippi Kite is found perched in a tree after looking sometime for it…

The Mississippi leaves the perch and does some flying around in the area, always looking for things to eat…

Always searching for food…

Must have excellent vision as it went for an insect about 500 feet away from the perch at the bottom of tree…

Cruising low in search of things to eat…

Close by overhead…

Returning to the perch, it flies over me…

After some time the Mississippi Kite returns to the area…soaring low, always looking for something to eat…



Off a ways in search of…

A pass over me…

Soaring around the area…

Here the bird appears to be onto something that I could not see.
What an astonishing visitor for Wisconsin. Great photos, Jim!
These are fantastic shots Jim! I’m sure you were excited to see this bird. Thank you for sharing them and giving us the opportunity to see this bird in action. I applaud you for keeping the location undisclosed. Events as such should not be exploited (in my opinion of course.) Moments of nature like this need to be protected and not made a spectacle of. Thank you for respecting that.
Outstanding photos of the beautiful Mississippi Kite. Thanks for sharing.
Amazing bird and pictures. Such interesting mix of colors and design. Thank you