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- Mary F on Sandhill Cranes in migration flying north over Waukesha County Wisconsin on March 9, 2025
- Steph Eastwood on Sandhill Cranes in migration flying north over Waukesha County Wisconsin on March 9, 2025
- Buvetta on Sandhill Cranes in migration flying north over Waukesha County Wisconsin on March 9, 2025
- Kathi Johnson Rock on Sandhill Cranes in migration flying north over Waukesha County Wisconsin on March 9, 2025
- KAREN JOHNSON on Great Horned Owl in the nest in Waukesha County Wisconsin on March 2, 2025
american avocet american white pelican Barred Owl Black-bellied Plover black-crowned night heron Bobolink common goldeneye Coyote dunlin Eastern Screech Owl Glaucous Gull great black-backed gull Great Blue Heron great egret greater scaup Great Horned Owl Great Horned Owl Owlets Green Heron Hooded Merganser Horned Grebe Horned Lark Killdeer Long-eared Owl Long-tailed Duck Mute Swan Northern Saw-whet Owl Prothonotary Warbler red-breasted merganser red-headed woodpecker Red-tailed Hawk Red Fox Redhead ruby-throated hummingbird Ruddy Turnstone rufous hummingbird Sanderling Sandhill Crane Sandhill Cranes Snow Bunting snowy owl Warblers white-winged scoter wildflowers Wisconsin Native Wildflowers Wood Duck
Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl
Great Black-backed Gull

Great Black-backed Gull. Photographs taken at Wind Point and Shoop Park in Racine County, Wisconsin on November 30, 2013. Great Black-backed Gull Binomial name: Larus marinus Category: Gulls, Terns, and Skimmers Description: The largest member of the gull family. White feathers with grayish-black backs and wings. The wings have white … Continue reading
Red-headed Woodpecker Adult and Juveniles Storing Acorns
Green Heron
Birdwatching in Marquette County

While birdwatching in Marquette County, I was able to photograph Eastern Bluebirds, a Red-headed Woodpecker, and others on October 26, 2013. Images were taken near a small water source where birds were coming and going, bathing, preening and drinking. To see the gallery of images, please click here.
Rufous Hummingbird

Rufous Hummingbird photographed in Sheboygan, Wisconsin on October 27, 2013. Rufous Hummingbird Binomial name: Selasphorus rufus Category: Hummingbirds Description: Primarily rust-colored feathers with a small patch of white on the chest. Red-orange patch on throat. Short wings and a slender, slightly sloping bill. Size: 2.8″-3.5″ long, 3” – 4” wingspan Weight: … Continue reading
Whooper Swan

Whooper Swan photographed at the Otsego Marsh in Columbia County, Wisconsin on October 27, 2013. At this time it is unknown if this bird is a wild bird or an escapee bird. Whooper Swan Binomial name: Cygnus cygnus Category: Ducks, Geese, and Swans Description: White body with a black and … Continue reading
Yellow-rumped Warblers and Cedar Waxwings Sharing Berries

Yellow-rumped Warblers and Cedar Waxwings sharing the berries of a cedar tree in Waukesha County. Photographs taken October 19, 2013. Yellow-rumped Warbler Binomial name: Setophaga coronata Category: Wood-Warblers Description: Both males and females have gray streaks, white on wings, and yellow rumps. Males have black streaking on slate blue backs … Continue reading
Red-headed Woodpecker Storing Acorns

A Red-headed Woodpecker storing acorns for the winter in Marquette County, WI. Photographs taken October 13, 2013. Red-headed Woodpecker Binomial name: Melanerpes erythrocephalus Category: Woodpeckers and Allies Description: Red head with black back and white underparts. The wings are black with white wingtips. Adult males and females have identical plumage … Continue reading
Horicon Marsh October 8, 2013
White-Tailed Kite

White-Tailed Kite near Leola Marsh, Adams County, Wisconsin. Photographed on September 30, 2013. White-Tailed Kite Binomial name: Elanus leucurus Category: Hawks, Kites, Eagles, and Allies Description: White with black shoulders and wingtips; elongated wings and tail. Red eyes and yellow legs. Size: 14” – 17” long, 35” – 40” wingspan … Continue reading
Harris’s Sparrow

Harris’s Sparrow photographed at Retzer Nature Center in Waukesha, WI on September 25th and 26th, 2013. Harris’s Sparrow Binomial name: Zonotrichia querula Category: Emberizids Description: Brown face and back, both overlaid with black markings especially crown, face, and throat. White on wings and underparts. Pink bills and legs. Size: 6.7″ … Continue reading
Leucistic Ruby-throated Hummingbird

Leucistic Ruby-throated Hummingbird photographed in Waukesha County on September, 18 2013. Leucistic Ruby-throated Hummingbird Binomial name: Archilochus colubris Category: Hummingbirds What is Leucism? Leucism is an uncommon condition in birds. This condition is caused by a genetic mutation which prevents pigments, particularly melanin, from being deposited evenly in the bird’s … Continue reading
Western Sandpiper

Western Sandpiper at Bradford Beach, Milwaukee, WI. Photographs taken September 11, 2013. Western Sandpiper Binomial name: Calidris mauri Category: Sandpipers, Phalaropes, and Allies Description: Brown feathers on back with white underparts. Dark legs and bill. Size: 5.5” – 6.7” long, 10.2” – 14.6” wingspan Weight: 0.8 oz. – 1.2 oz. … Continue reading