It was a nice surprise to hear of a Purple Sandpiper at McKinley Beach this morning on New Year’s Day. When I arrived at the Milwaukee lakefront it was still present feeding along a little sand area just south of the beach. This bird was found by Jessica H, nice find and thank you for getting the word out for others to see. A cold and cloudy morning with good winds off the lake at about 20 degrees. Image were taken on January 1, 2022.

The Purple Sandpiper finding things to eat…
Beautiful way to start the new year. Maybe it’s a good omen.
It was great meeting you this morning. I drove down to the Lakefront to checkout the Sandpiper but it had left the area. Lots of awesome waves though.
What a cool looking little guy….great find
Great pictures of an interesting looking sandpiper!
Very impressive Jim.
Great images Jim! Congrats!!