I was birding along the lakefront this morning and I came across some Red Crossbills feeding on some cone seeds on some spruce trees. I saw 2 males and 2 females. I only saw 4 of these birds and they moved around to a couple of different clumps of spruce trees while I was there. It started to drizzle so I left, and the Red Crossbills were still present. That was the birding highlight for the day. A cloudy day with fog and very light drizzle. The temps were mild, that felt great for a change. Images were taken on January 21, 2018.

Red Crossbill, male eating cone seeds on a spruce tree…
Red Crossbill
Binomial name: Loxia curvirostra
Category: Fringilline and Cardueline Finches and Allies
Size: 6.25” long, 11” wing span
Weight: 1.3 oz

Red Crossbill, male eating cone seeds on a spruce tree…

Red Crossbill, male eating cone seeds on a spruce tree…

Red Crossbill, male, seed in the bill! Eating cone seeds on a spruce tree…

Red Crossbill, male, seed in the bill, perched…

Red Crossbills, male (red), 2 females (yellow-green)

Red Crossbill, female

Red Crossbill, female on the ground

Red Crossbill, female

Red Crossbill, female
The cone crop here in northwestern WI is poor this year, so I’m happy to see the crossbills thriving elsewhere. Great photos, Jim!
Nicely done. Another bird I have never seen. Unfortunately one of many…