I did some birding today along the lakefront in Milwaukee and there was a little excitement. The Snowy Owl was present at the Lake Express and gave nice views. After about 15 minutes it took flight to its normal hangout. Mike W showed up and we hit Jones Island as a place he suggested. Mike picked out a American Wigeon right away. Also present were 5 male Northern Pintails, 4 male American Black Ducks, a male and female Wood Ducks that stayed hung tight together. Other species present about 300 Mallard Ducks, some Common Goldeneyes, Lesser Scaups and Common Mergansers. I hit a few beaches and the normal common gulls. Lakeshore State Park had 3 Glaucous Gulls. All and all a fun day out birding other than the falling snow and winds. Some documentation shots. Images were taken on January 4, 2015.
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american avocet american white pelican Barred Owl Black-bellied Plover black-crowned night heron Bobolink common goldeneye Coyote dunlin Eastern Screech Owl Glaucous Gull great black-backed gull Great Blue Heron great egret greater scaup Great Horned Owl Great Horned Owl Owlets Green Heron Hooded Merganser Horned Grebe Horned Lark Killdeer Long-eared Owl Long-tailed Duck Mute Swan Northern Saw-whet Owl Prothonotary Warbler red-breasted merganser red-headed woodpecker Red-tailed Hawk Red Fox Redhead ruby-throated hummingbird Ruddy Turnstone rufous hummingbird Sanderling Sandhill Crane Sandhill Cranes Snow Bunting snowy owl Warblers white-winged scoter wildflowers Wisconsin Native Wildflowers Wood Duck
Thanks again Jim. You were brave to go out. We did not but did have indoor commitments to tend to. The Snowy is still my favorite and you did get nice pics with no pipes in the background. If I recall correctly the Lake Ferry has all kinds of back drop. I may be wrong as we have never been there.
Happy Birding and stay warm!