I arrived at Goose Pond in Dane County 6:35 am as daylight was becoming real. As I pulled up behind Aaron H on the shoulder, he was waving his arm to show the Brant was taking flight off the west pond. He had nice views moments earlier. The bird flew over us and landed on the east end of the east pond. It was windy, light mist and gloomy but after a few minutes Aaron relocated the bird and Kyle showed up and we all had distant views. I managed a doc shot below. After about 15 minutes, we could not relocate the bird. I was there yesterday and tried for this bird but failed. It was in the area fields some where for most of the day, but birders reported it came back late yesterday. With that said, I felt be there at sun up today for best luck and it worked. Thanks to Tom E who found this rare bird on Arlene’s photo the other day. Nice to get this life bird on my list!
Binomial name: Branta bernicla
Category: Ducks, Geese, and Swans
Size: 25” long, 42” wing span
Weight: 3.1 lb
Note: Normal ranges for this bird are the east and west coast of the US