A Golden-crowned Sparrow was reported 4 days ago coming to a feeder in Calumet County. This reported bird far out of its normal range being California did not disappoint. After almost 3 hours the bird gave a brief appearance, enough for an ID but 5 Brown-headed Cowbirds and a chipmunk chased it away. About an hour later the bird reappeared and gave nice views at a distance for about 1 minute plus. It stayed under the feeder, ate some seeds and then disappeared once again. A big thank you goes out to the kind homeowners who have let birders in to try for this cool visitor. Well worth the wait for this exciting bird though as I remember the last time I tried for this species. It was in Winsdor WI, back about 6-7 years ago, waited for a the bird to show on on the back porch of a home from almost sun up to sun down with high temps for the day of only 20 degrees. The bird never showed. I think it was January of the year. Oh how bad I wanted this bird on my life list! Toda was a mild day, temps around 60 degrees, little wind, mostly sunny skies. Image was taken on April 7, 2020.
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american avocet american white pelican Barred Owl Black-bellied Plover black-crowned night heron Bobolink common goldeneye Coyote dunlin Eastern Screech Owl Glaucous Gull great black-backed gull Great Blue Heron great egret greater scaup Great Horned Owl Great Horned Owl Owlets Green Heron Hooded Merganser Horned Grebe Horned Lark Killdeer Long-eared Owl Long-tailed Duck Mute Swan Northern Saw-whet Owl Prothonotary Warbler red-breasted merganser red-headed woodpecker Red-tailed Hawk Red Fox Redhead ruby-throated hummingbird Ruddy Turnstone rufous hummingbird Sanderling Sandhill Crane Sandhill Cranes Snow Bunting snowy owl Warblers white-winged scoter wildflowers Wisconsin Native Wildflowers Wood Duck