I decided to make a run up to North Point in Sheboygan Wisconsin to see what gulls were hanging out. There have been some nice gull species reported and I was not let down. Literally 1,000’s of them with 2 Little Gulls – 1st summer, being the highlight for the day as we know they are not very common. Other gull species, 100’s of Bonaparte’s, along with the common Herring and Ring-billed gulls. I witnessed a confrontation with the 2 Little Gulls which was very exciting. The early morning sunlight gave some beautiful color to these birds. Images were taken on June 10, 2014.
Little Gull
Binomial name: Larus minutus
Category: Gulls, Terns, and Skimmers
Size: 11” long, 24” wing span
Weight: 4.2 oz.
Habitat: Typically breeds in shallow freshwater marshes and wetlands. Natural range is Central Europe east to southern Siberia. It is common to winter in small numbers along the east coast of North America and on the Great Lakes.
Diet: Small fish, aquatic insects and invertebrates
Nesting: A nest is built among marsh vegetation lined with grass and leaves. 2-6 eggs are laid olive-brown in color with dark spots.
Cool facts: Smallest gull in the world that is often found hanging out with the Bonaparte’s Gull.