I was birding along the lakefront this morning and I came across some Red Crossbills feeding on some cone seeds on some spruce trees. I saw 2 males and 2 females. I only saw 4 of these birds and they moved around to a couple of different clumps of spruce trees while I was there. It started to drizzle so I left, and the Red Crossbills were still present. That was the birding highlight for the day. A cloudy day with fog and very light drizzle. The temps were mild, that felt great for a change. Images were taken on January 21, 2018.

Red Crossbill, male eating cone seeds on a spruce tree…
Red Crossbill
Binomial name: Loxia curvirostra
Category: Fringilline and Cardueline Finches and Allies
Size: 6.25” long, 11” wing span
Weight: 1.3 oz

Red Crossbill, male eating cone seeds on a spruce tree…

Red Crossbill, male eating cone seeds on a spruce tree…

Red Crossbill, male, seed in the bill! Eating cone seeds on a spruce tree…

Red Crossbill, male, seed in the bill, perched…

Red Crossbills, male (red), 2 females (yellow-green)

Red Crossbill, female

Red Crossbill, female on the ground

Red Crossbill, female

Red Crossbill, female