While watching the Great Egrets at Echo Park in Burlington Wisconsin this morning we were side tracked by a bird at the edge of a grassy small island. Janet S spotted the bird, thank you! When it came out into the open more I immediately knew it was a Rusty Blackbird by those cool colors. A really great find, as this bird is just not seen often enough. The bird moved towards the dam, behind some grass and they flew east into a tall tree on the bigger island and that was the last we saw of it. On such a dreary, misty and rainy day, this was the highlight and a nice one! Images were taken on October 2, 2016.
Rusty Blackbird
Binomial name: Euphagus carolinus
Category: Blackbirds
Size: 9” long, 14” wing span
Weight: 2.1 oz

Looking for small bugs on the leaf I would think

Going to another rock!