I birded some of the beaches in Milwaukee early morning with not much going on. I ran into Rita F in the parking lot of the Magic Hedge and asked what she was after. She mentioned Mark K’s post of the Upland Sandpiper being there. I was not aware of it as Mark posted after I left the house. We located the bird in a couple minutes but it was very skittish and when it saw us, it pretty much flew north onto the water treatment property. I got a couple of distant quick doc shots with poor lighting, that is the way it goes. It remained there until we left and was out of sight when we left. A life bird for me and a big thank you to Mark K for finding the bird and getting the word out for others to see. Hopefully it will hang around a while. Other birds to note on the lakefront, 1 Purple Martin checking out the house at Lakeshore State Park, 2 Caspian Terns and a couple of Ruddy Ducks were also present there. A cloudy gloomy day with a few light drizzles at times and still cold out there! Images were taken on April 24, 2016.
Upland Sandpiper
Binomial name: Bartramia longicuda
Category: Sandpipers, Phalaropes, and Allies
Size: 12” long, 26” wing span
Weight: 6 oz