I recently did some birding at the Fox River Parkway South in Waukesha Wisconsin. There where numerous White-throated Sparrows present with nice views. A flock of approximately 6-12 birds at different times moved around the woods while I was there. The sparrows scratched the ground finding seeds to eat that have worked their way under leaves and surface ground cover over the winter. Photographs taken on April 29, 2014.
White-throated Sparrow – adult white and black striped variation.
White-throated Sparrow
Binomial name: Zonotrichia albicollis
Category: Sparrows
Size: 6.75” long, 9” wing span
Weight: 0.91 Oz.
Habitat: Woods, forest edges, pond edges and tree lines in brushy under growth. Breeding range is the far northern areas of the Midwest states in the US and the lower two-thirds of Canada. The winter range for this species is Southern US from New Mexico through northern IN to the east coast of the US.
Diet: Mainly seeds from grasses and weeds, sometimes fruits seeds.
Nesting: The nest is constructed by the female usually and on the ground, it is cup shaped. The location is usually under a bush, shrub or dead vegetation but concealed by leaves. Materials used are mosses, sticks, pine needles, and grasses. 1-6 eggs pale green and spotted are laid and incubated from 10-14 days, 1-2 broods.
Cool Facts: There are two forms of this sparrow. One is the white and black striped head, the other tan and black striped head regardless of sex. Young birds and females are just duller in color. They both variations have the white colored throat. A frequent visitor to the backyard feeder in migration to some parts of the US.
White-throated Sparrow – adult white and black striped variation with seed in mouth.
White-throated Sparrow – adult tan and black striped variation.
White-throated Sparrow – adult white and black striped variation – back view.
White-throated Sparrow – adult white and black striped variation with seed in mouth.
White-throated Sparrow – adult tan and black striped variation.
White-throated Sparrow – adult white and black striped variation, scratching for seeds.
White-throated Sparrow – adult white and black striped variation.