I have hit Lake Park in Milwaukee almost daily this week in hopes to see the large numbers of the Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers that come through. This year like last, I may have missed the big event. Stops have had numbers of just 3-5 birds and some times not even photograph-able as they were high up in the trees. Maybe they are still coming but I think it is just one of those things that I won’t see that event. The few I have seen have been stunning as always, actively feeding on sap, making new holes in trees for more sap, they seem to know where to go. Most of the birds I have seen were higher in trees, not low near the truck. I would think that has to do with the sap situation in the tree. Still exciting to see these birds come through even if it was only one. Images were taken on the 8th and 12th of April 2019.

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, male

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, male, working on a hole getting sap too…

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, male working on a hole…

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, female

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, female-left, male-right

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, male, they like to hide when someone is around and come around corners slow…

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, male

Getting sap

Working the hole and then getting more sap…

Female getting sap…

Getting sap…